1. No matter how well you talk to your future customers with fancy marketing communications, you can’t seem to generate enough quality leads that are ripe for converting into customers?
2. You are swamped with enquiries and RFQ’s – and you’re busting a gut to quote on absolutely everything. You are winning work, although it’s nothing to write home about?
Whether you can relate to option one – or option two, then it’s time for you to sit back, analyse and then reform your sales conversion techniques!
First things first, we need to get you thinking about your current knowledge of lead generation and converting sales, so you can identify what needs improving – and what you need support with. So here are a few questions to get you started…
Do you know your conversion rate?
That is, on average, how many enquiries does it take to win a sale?
Are you obtaining and then logging relevant prospect info? If so where?
Are you tracking your leads so you can not only create a timely sales strategy but also project long term sales potential and set targets?
Are you tailoring your message to suit the audience?
Focus on those people that NEED your product or service. You shouldn’t have to waste time convincing people they need what you can offer. Go for those prospects that already know!
Are you accurately qualifying your leads prior to quotation/ proposal?
Do you have information on their long term sales potential, timescales of when they will be ready to buy, whether it is a benchmarking exercise?
Are you prioritising and taking the time to write winning proposals?
Do you have adequate resource to maintain a high level of customer service & execute timely follow up in order to build relationships with the prospect so they want to choose you?
Building a sales pipeline is key to the sustainable growth of your business. If you haven’t got one, or it could do with a little TLC then book an appointment with Momentum Partnership and we guarantee to improve your potential to convert leads into sales, from the very first visit.